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AI in Action: Assistant and Sounding Board at Work

Photo by Alesia Kaz / Unsplash

AI proves to be versatile, with people using it for ideation, creation, editing, and even navigating workplace politics.

As the capabilities of various AI platforms continue to advance, employees increasingly turn to them to streamline various tasks throughout their workday. Workplace use of AI extends beyond merely saving time and effort; it also enhances users' capacity to navigate complex workplace situations and dynamics. Generative AI platforms like Bard, ChatGPT, Bing, and Claude assist workers not only by automating routine tasks but also by helping them make more informed decisions, optimize productivity, and even navigate the intricacies of workplace politics.

In our latest Pulse IQ study, we asked users, "What are some of the most common things you use AI for at work?" Creative Ideas (18%), Writing (17%), Advice on how to approach a new task or project (13%), Technical troubleshooting (11%), and Advice on how to interact with co-workers (9%) emerged as the most prominent reasons people turn to AI.

See users in action below as they ask AI for help with work tasks, and keep scrolling to see users describe how they use AI at work in their own words.

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