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VideosBingGPTReport 5

AI Tube: Watch where platforms win, or lose

Photo by Lukas Schroeder / Unsplash

As part of Pulse IQ's effort to compile a comprehensive overview of users' real-time experiences across various AI platforms, this selection of videos captures real prompts and user reactions. Our Pulse IQ database of thousands of videos is growing monthly. We'll periodically pull a few to compare and contrast.

These videos are shared to shed light on the users' perspectives and highlight potential uses- and limitations - of AI across different use cases.

Like all customer experiences, there are positive ones and not so positive ones. You can see both from users of GPT-3.5 and Bing.

"Cool hashtags for farm weddings" 👍

GPT–3.5 • Female • Millennial

I think it's extremely creative, a lot more creative than I thought it had the capability of doing.

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