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CES 2024 Roundup: Highlights to Keep Your Product Leadership Competitive

Photo by Cristiano Firmani / Unsplash

Didn't make it to CES? Here are the top 5 innovations from the showroom floor.

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is always an incredible start to each year for technology, with tech makers from around the world coming together in Las Vegas to give us all a glimpse into the future. Some of the cutting-edge tech seemed more like science fiction, whereas other exhibits appeared very ready for the down-to-earth consumer to use.

AI dominated the exhibit floor, across auto, shopping, and electronics, in places you'd expect, like automotive voice assistants and translation devices, and some you might not expect, like meat thermometers and vacuums. Although AI is changing the face of technology, when not used thoughtfully, AI integration can come across as more of an afterthought than a useful feature. However, it's hard for companies to resist the "AI in everything" trend.

"You don't want to show up at the costume party in plain clothes, right? Everyone's going to be there saying AI. You're probably going to look like a fool if you don't."

—Dipanjan Chatterjee, Principal Analyst, Forrester

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