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Claude Enters the Race, Overtaking Bing In Preference

Claude recently released its platform to the public. Pulse IQ™ results shows a strong initial showing:

  • Claude receives a 45% preference rate when consumers rate responses to a variety of prompts in our blind side-by-side comparison of 5 leading AI platforms.
  • Claude overtakes Bing which is preferred of 38% of the time.
  • 82% users indicated that they were satisfied with Claude’s performance in their first experience.


  • As a new entrant, Claude is clearly showing early strength vs other major platforms. Its starting position in the preference ranking is equivalent to where Bard was about a month ago (around 45%).
  • Because this preference score is based on users preference for responses to the same prompts in different platforms, this shows Claude has already positioned itself as providing the types of responses that are “roughly on par” with other platforms, so it is in the competitive ballpark. But Claude still has some ground to gain to get into the top of the Pulse IQ preference rankings.
  • Companies looking to build applications using a conversational AI platform such as these can use this data to determine if Claude is “close enough” in the perceived quality in their specific industry. For example, as we have seen some platforms do better at certain types of questions and prompts (will be examined more below and in subsequent Pulse IQ reports).
  • Alongside other factors such price, data requirements, API options, business considering Claude should look closer at Claude features that align with their industry (travel, learning, financial services, etc).



Closing the Loop: From User Feedback to Mobile App Excellence

Closing the Loop: From User Feedback to Mobile App Excellence

As a mobile app product manager, you know the value of understanding your users in real-time. Imagine having the ability to capture high-quality, in-the-moment insights that truly reflect what your users are experiencing and what they’re looking for in your app—all without the challenges of aligning teams or

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