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AI's Human Language Can Move Chatbots to the Next Level

Consumers overall prefer faster responses, but desire for human support still present

Time is money, and when it comes to customer support, AI could save both while maintaining customer satisfaction. Chatbots have historically landed on the 'clunky' side of support interactions, but improvements from generative AI models have the chance to push chatbots into a higher realm of customer satisfaction. 159 AI users were asked: If you were trying to communicate with a customer service agent at a company for a product or service you bought, what would be your preference? For most, speed reigns supreme.

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The Human Factor In Artificial Intelligence

The Human Factor In Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is eating the world. The pace at which machines have recently been able to achieve human or even superhuman performance on tasks previously requiring human intelligence has been breathtaking. AI has the potential to become a profoundly useful assistant and tool in almost every aspect of human life,

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Webinar Recording- UX in the Era of AI: Navigating Innovations

Webinar Recording- UX in the Era of AI: Navigating Innovations

Sign in or subscribe for access to the webinar recording and more free UX content from Pulse Labs. This insightful 45-minute conversation hosted by Pulse Labs, is designed for UX researchers looking to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven applications. During the session, we hosted a dynamic, moderated discussion

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