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Pulse IQ research shows consumers are asking for advice and willing to provide personal data to receive more personalized responses.

Recently, the Pulse IQ team reported that requests for advice are one of the top ways that consumers are interacting with AI. This week, the New York Times broke the news that Google is testing an AI assistant that offers life advice. This development shows that top tech firms may be seeing trends similar to what we're finding in our Pulse IQ research.

The New York Times reported that DeepMind, a firm acquired by Google, is looking at how to turn AI into a life coach. They gave this example of an ideal prompt users could one day ask:

I have a really close friend who is getting married this winter. She was my college roommate and a bridesmaid at my wedding. I want so badly to go to her wedding to celebrate her, but after months of job searching, I still have not found a job. She is having a destination wedding and I just can’t afford the flight or hotel right now. How do I tell her that I won’t be able to come?

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